Natural Birth

Birth is Incredibly Powerful

Let’s get straight to the point – yes! We do water birth! We have 3 birth rooms and each has its own unique bathtub. For those that want to birth on land, we encourage you to birth when and where you feel most comfortable. For some that will be in the bed, others may prefer the shower, or even on all fours on the floor.

Some ladies are able to derive immense pushing power if they are sitting on the toilet – which is fine, except we will not let your baby be born in a toilet! We will absolutely help you in any way we can, but I cannot imagine how terribly that child will be teased if actually born “in the toilet”!

Birth is sacred.

Ask any random woman about her birth and she will recall finite details that either empowered her, or made her lose her confidence. It is imprinted on her brain. She can’t forget it.

Birth is sacred. We want you to be mentally and physically prepared for it, so we will start very early in discussing how to prepare for the best birth possible.